A newly developed vaccine against the deadlyEbola virus is “highly effective”

A newly developed vaccine against the deadlyEbola virus is “highly effective”


An Ebola vaccine found in in record, time has gifted an effective research against Ebola virus.

An experimental vaccine of Ebola have been experienced in the West African nation of Guinea and the outcome is 100% positive of this experiment.

Conclusion of trial, which tested Merck and NewLink Genetics’ VSV-ZEBOV saved more than 4 thousand victims of Ebola virus-gave 100% within or after 10 days in those immunized.

Researchers said: “highly efficacious in preventing Ebola virus disease”.

More than 11,200 people have been the victim of this deadly virus began in Guinea in December 2013.

Dr. Margaret Chan the body’s director general

“This is an extremely promising development,”

“The credit goes to the Guinean Government, the people living in the communities and our partners in this project. An effective vaccine will be another very important tool for both current and future Ebola outbreaks.”

“If proven effective, this is going to be a game-changer,”

“It will change the management of the current Ebola outbreak and future outbreaks.”

The cure was experimented by Public Health Agency of Canada and NewLink Genetics USA and is further produced by Merck Vaccines in the U.S.

Trial does includes teens and children as well. There may be some Side effects of vaccine like flu, joint pain etc.