As Valcke suspended in fresh strike FIFA reels

As Valcke suspended in fresh strike FIFA reels


Valcke, the right-hand man of FIFA President Sepp Blatter that was outgoing, was promptly relieved of his responsibilities as the most recent tide of sleaze crashed into the governing body of world soccer.

Switzerland ruled that a former FIFA vice president ought to be extradited to the United States the primary defendant facing a forced transfer within the graft claims which have shaken world soccer, in a corruption probe.

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“Additionally, FIFA continues to be made conscious of some allegations affecting the secretary general , and it has requested an official investigation from the FIFA Ethics Committee.”

The 54-year old French official had recently been made to deny participation in a $10 million payment earlier in 2013 to South Africa in the aftermath of corruption allegations that induced Blatter’s resignation.

The newest claims against Valcke related to accusations of participation in a scam take a cut of the gains and to offer World Cup tickets at greatly inflated costs.

The contract was later nullified.

In a strongly-worded statement issued by the US of Valcke -based lawyer, the official decried the claims as untrue.

The statement said Valcke “never received or consented to take any cash or anything else of worth from Mr Alon”.

All transactions between Valcke and the business of Alon have been cleared by the legal section of FIFA, the statement included.