Donald Trump joked: Burqas lessen the need to apply make-up

Donald Trump joked: Burqas lessen the need to apply make-up


Donald Trump joked that women in the Islamic world might prefer to wear burqas as it lessens the necessity to employ makeup.

Trump, giving a riff in New Hampshire about how American foreign policy had destabilized the Middle East, stated that it was difficult with what the foreign individuals really need to square that interventionism.

“Donald saw a girl interviewed. They said ‘We want to wear them, we’ve worn them for a thousand years. Why would we not be told by anybody not?’ The woman wish to!” Trump said.

“Fact is, it is simple. You don’t have to put on make-up, look how amazing everyone appears,” he said, pointing to the laughing audience. “Wouldn’t it be easier? Right? Wouldn’t that be easy? I will tell ya, if I had been a woman I don’t need to.”