Robert Lindsay: ‘Citizen Smith to come back to TV’

Robert Lindsay: ‘Citizen Smith to come back to TV’

The performer told the Independent he’d been “chased” by a production company who’d come up with “a brilliant notion” for updating the show.

He starred in the original, which ran from 1977 to 1980, as London revolutionary Wolfie Smith, who sees himself as the Che Guevara of Tooting.

The premise that is newest would see Wolfie.

The show would reflect Labour’s shift to the popularity of potential new leader Jeremy Corbyn and also the left.

John Sullivan, who died in 2011 wrote the situation comedy that was original.

Based on someone Sullivan had known, Wolfie Smith was described as a deluded anarchist: Full of great intentions but beset by idleness.

‘Unfinished business’

Lindsay didn’t say who was behind the planned revival, but said the “moves afoot in the industry to bring Citizen Smith back” were by “some respected figures that I very much respect”.

And he declared that he had unfinished business with the role.

“It was a series I never finished. It was beginning to become huge. You understand what occurs, you need to be a significant actor, you don’t want to do sitcoms,” he said.

As yet, there’s neither evidence that a series was commissioned, nor an indication of which station would screen it. It’ll be shown on Gold after in 2013,