GOODNESS! Fawad Khan and Deepika Padukone To Be Seen Together. Find Out

GOODNESS! Fawad Khan and Deepika Padukone To Be Seen Together. Find Out


Their camaraderie was difficult to miss at IIFA awards when her heart was barred by Deepika Padukone out for her man crush, the hottie that is Pakistani, Fawad Khan during a show. The two not only appeared scintillating jointly but gave out a powerful message – as to how great they appear as a couple… Some Chemistry!

*Filmmakers listening?*

While we’re waiting when the display will scorch shortly and star in a movie together, there is another platform that is bringing the two together.

The breathtakingly stunning couple, Fawad Deepika will be launching-closing the show for Manish. Manish took to share this tidbit that was exciting, and nicely, we can not wait to see the good looking couple, on stage!