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longtime friends


Sorry men, the future of Jelena is undoubtedly not a romantic one as Selena Gomez admitted she is completely “done” with their love life. But believe it or not believe it, Justin Bieber is completely fine with that,.

Are they or are not they? That is a question that we no more need to ask about Selena Gomez, 23, and 21-year old Justin Bieber’s relationship designs thanks to Sel saying she is overly “exhausted” from the pair’s on-again off-again love story.

This really comes as great news and you will never believe the reason her apparently cruel remarks really alleviated him. There’s been so much back and forth it is to the stage where it’s more damage to return to Selena in his eyes.

Justin is content knowing that he WOn’t ever date Selena ever again.” Whew! These two jog in groups that are recognizable so that it has to be a relief that he is able to only hang out together with his ex-husband without it leading to anything.

Selena made the shocking disclosure that she’s PAST over her play filled days of the woman of being Justin.

“I really am so done. I care about his well-being and wellbeing. But I can not do it anymore.”


Justin Bieber must be regretting because Selena Gomez is looking certainly FIRE as she covers the March issue of ‘W magzine’ where she is featured with giant inflatable flamingos, and towels shaped as $100 bills…

The feature article contains Selena’s perspectives on social websites, declaring that she’s only on it in the moment to be sure she can dispell rumours about herself.


“I’m utilizing social media right now because of my age and because, to be honest, everybody else in the world was talking about me, so I wanted a fucking say,” Selena explained. “I honestly had to, because I didn’t really expect my life to be as public as it was. Is this going to destroy me or make me? I still have to make that choice on a daily basis.”

And nothing new here, as like any Selena interview before, her ex boyfriend from like ten billion years ago, Justin Bieber, was mentioned.

“I’m so exhausted,” she says. “I honestly am so done. I care about his health and well-being. But I can’t do it anymore.” Sad 🙁

Who is able to blame her when it’s essentially everyone’s second nature whenever they have been speaking to her to ask about him. Girl is a lot more than simply ‘JB’s ex-so called boyfriend’!