The app enables you to maintain your pals safe when they walk...

The app enables you to maintain your pals safe when they walk home late night

Walking alone on pathway in dark

For women, the ‘safely home!’ text is just something that we all have to do.

That is where Company comes in, a brand new program which lets you basically follow friends and family as they walk home.

Here’s the way that it works. Anyone who is worried about walking house may use the program to select ‘comrades’ – individuals within their phonebook who as they walk home, they can elect to monitor their place.

Their companies will likely be notified when the individual reaches house.

The program allows you to contact law enforcement, or your companies, with a single tap, making it more easy to immediately get help it anything bad happens.

Plus, your telephone drops to the floor, or in the event you begin running, have their cans pulled from your ears, the program is going to do in a fast test to see whether you are ok. The program alarm your comrades, in case you do not react in 15 seconds.

Does it suck that night, walking home at is something we need to be concerned about? Yes. But this program might allow it to be a little more easy.