RIP! Shimon Peres, former Israeli president, dies aged 93

RIP! Shimon Peres, former Israeli president, dies aged 93


Once as president and Shimon Peres, who served twice as Israel’s prime minister, has died at the age of 93.

Mr Peres suffered a stroke two weeks ago. His state had improved before a surprising deterioration on Tuesday.

His son Chemi led homage to “among the founding fathers of the state of Israel” who “worked tirelessly” for it.

World figures are expected to attend his funeral on Friday in Jerusalem, including Pope Francis, Prince Charles and US President Barack Obama.

Mr Peres was one of the last of a generation of Israeli politicians present at the birth in 1948 of the new nation.

He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1994 for his role negotiating peace treaties a year before.

He once said the Palestinians were Israel’s “closest neighbours” and might become its “closest friends”.

Mr Peres expired at his bedside, with his family in a hospital near Tel Aviv early on Wednesday.

After suffering a major stroke on 13 he’d been in the intensive care unit of the Sheba Medical Centre.

The funeral will be held at Mount Herzl, the national cemetery in Jerusalem of Israel.

The Clintons, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and UK Prime Minister Theresa May all have confirmed they’ll attend, Israel’s Foreign Ministry said.