Libya: Monkey attack on schoolgirl leaves 20 people dead


Ethnic fighting has left at least 20 people dead in the south Libyan town of Sabha after an incident with a monkey, medical sources say.
The pet monkey attacked a schoolgirl, leading the sufferer’s family to seek retaliation, and three young men were killed together with the creature initially.
Days of fighting followed between Guedadfa groups and the Awlad Suleiman.
Fatal accidents may be greater as the death toll is reportedly for the Awlad Suleiman group just.
Reports imply tanks, rockets, mortars and other heavy weapons were used in the fighting, in.
The three guys with the monkey at the time of the assault were from the Guedadfa community, the same as the late Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.
It seems the monkey may have pulled off the girl’s headscarf along with scratching and biting her.
The relationship between both communities is said to have been strained for many years.
Sabha is a hub for trafficking in arms and migrants in the frequently ignored south of Libya.
Libya has been wracked by conflict since the Gaddafi was ousted in 2011.